Course "Tansheef Men El-A5er"
Just A Handful Of Real Results From Guys Using our methods:
Melt Off FAT & build MUSCLE with...Tansheef Men El-A5er
Start Seeing Results NOW
Imagine yourself on the beach, in the best shape of your life, eating your favorite ice-cream or burger while being proud of the point you got yourself to
What is stopping you?
When you want to get lean for summer, for an event or even for doing a photoshoot you tend to get lost, you don't know what to to or where to start from! You're also afraid that you'll lose your hard earned muscle that you spent months trying to build
That is the problem!
Unfortunately, most diets are extremely restrictive, they ruin your mood, they destroy your hormones and they restrict you from having food that you enjoy
That is why we put together this course "Tansheef Men El-A5er" which teaches you how to:
-Lose fat while building muscle
-Eat your favorite food such as shawarma, donuts and burgers
-Understand how everything works (how, why & when)
-You'll only learn what is necessary to get you results without overdoing anything without any complications
What is the difference between this course and online coaching?
The main problem with most coaching services is that you follow a nutrition plan and a workout routine without understanding the reason behind following them from the first place!
You don't know why you're eating this amount of calories or why are you eating these many grams of protein
You don't know the reason behind training 6 days a week doing numerous exercises with endless sets and long hours of cardio
When your coaching period ends, you can end up with good results but you did not learn how to maintain them or how to change your diet to fit your new goals or how can you keep on progressing. You either eat everything and anything and lose what you've achieved in a matter of days because of being restricted for so long or you'll resubscribe again and again and again and keep paying money... forever.
Course "Tansheef Men El-A5er" will TEACH YOU all you need to know
This course will TEACH you how to create your own diet plan by knowing how many grams of protein, carbs and fats your body needs
This course will TEACH you how to include foods that you enjoy such as shawarma, donuts and burgers
This course will TEACH you how to track your calories and macros step by step on your phone so that it becomes as easy as scrolling through Instagram
You'll also get a workout program that trains you with 3 different training methods while explaining the concept behind every method in details in order to ensure maximum strength and muscle progression each and every single workout. You'll have videos breaking down each workout in the gym so you feel like you are training with us 1 on 1
To sum it all up, you'll wake up everyday knowing exactly what to eat and what numbers you'll need to hit in the gym day in and day out
You'll learn this and much more
- (السعرات الحرارية (سعرات الثبات و عمق العجز (10:46)
- كتيب دليل السعرات الحرارية
- تقسيمة الماكروز لزيادة العضلات و خسارة الدهون في نفس الوقت (14:51)
- تقسيم الماكروز في أيام الراحة و أيام التمرين لأفضل أداء (10:40)
- (تنظيم وقت الأكل (قبل,وسط,بعد التمرين (3:53)
- إمتي و إزاي تعدل سعراتك و الماكروز بتاعتك (7:10)
- إزاي تنزل المياة الزيادة وسط التنشيف (9:36)
- إزاي تنشط حرقك بعد النشيف تاني (8:40)
- هل أنت محتاج مكملات للتنشيف؟ و إيه اللي بجد يستحق (15:06)
- الكارديو تستعمله إمتي و إزاي و الفرق بين أنواعة -Cardio (HIIT, LISS) (9:44)
- إزاي تعمل شيت ميل منغير ما تبوظ الدايت - Cheat Meal Hack (6:28)
- إزاي تحافظ علي النتائج بتاعتك و تزود سعراتك بعد التنشيف (9:23)
- تعريف لأسلوب التمرين في برنامج التمرين (11:57)
- برنامج التدريب
- (شرح مفصل لكيفية تسجيل و تتبع تقدمك في البرنامج(الوزن, المقاسات,السعرات (13:29)
- شرح لبرنامج التدريب و تعريف دور كل أسلوب (6:47)
- شرح المصطلحات المستخدمة (4:01)
- (شرح مفصل لبرنامج التمرين (العدات, المجاميع, الشدة,التقدم (11:07)
- إزاي تسخن صح (3:40)
- تريح قد إيه ما بين المجاميع (2:47)
- إزاي تتمرن البرنامج 3 او 4 او 5 او 6 أيام حسب ظروفك (5:11)
- تعمل ديلود إمتي و إزاي (البرنامج بيديك الإجابة) (8:18)
- أسرار عضلات البطن (8:19)
LEARN how to fit these in your diet
You are not alone!
After you purchase the course you'll gain access to "The EVOLVE Community" Facebook group
In this group we will:
-Answer all your questions
-Motivate each other and share gym progress
-Share delicious recipes
-Critique each others form and training intensity
Basically you'll be part of a community that will help you GROW
You'll Also Get:
The Evolve recipe book
A recipe book that has your favorite meals such as Bamya, protein pancakes, french toast, multiple chicken marinations and much more
Meal Plan Templates
Ready meal plan templates that give you a head start so you can start tweaking them to fit your macros
Cheat sheet 130+ Meals
Calories and macros of foods such as Mahshi, shawarma and your favorite fast food restaurants
What to expect from this course?
Expect a lean and crisp physique that you created on your own with knowledge that will last you forever
Not only that, but you'll be able to maintain your results and go further because know you understand how the system works
Imagine yourself on the beach once more, with your lean physique and imagine how confident and proud you'll be
That is what this course is all about!
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the course start? When does it end?
The course starts once you purchase it and it never ends! You have lifetime access to the course and you can access it whenever you like.
For how long can I log into my account?
You can log into your account forever, once you have the course, you'll always have it.
Do I need to pay anything extra?
NO! It's a one time payment with no extra or hidden fees
Does this course need a gym?
Yes, you'll need to have access to a gym
Is this course suitable for females?
Yes, it is suitable for anyone who wants to transform their body
Does this course include what's app follow up?
No, however, you can ask your questions on the Facebook group
Do I get a certificate?
Yes, you get a certificate of completion once you finish the course